Energy saving systems:

Sun collectors

PV Sun systems

LED lighting



Savings - first what comes to human mind when they meet alternative technologies.


Consequently, why do we need to save the energy?

  • To let us save the money. The charges for heating and electricity can be saved up to 80%.
  • To enlarge the comfort in the house as well in the office. For example, the temperature in the room can be enlarged on 2-10°С in assisting with the simplest low-priced measures for heat isolation.
  • To lessen the air’s and water’s pollution, and save the forests. The most part of energy today is being discovered by the burning the coal, petroleum and gas. Besides we have the spreading of the harmful materials, which lead to oncologic illnesses.
  • To save energy for our oncoming generations.
  • To win the time for searching and exploring the new sources of energy – renewable, ecologically clear and reliable (wind, sun, biogas, biomass, Earth’s warmth, waves, streams, inflows and outflows etc.)


The Second Question we are trying to answer – how can we save the energy?

Our company bespeaks our customers to stop the hostage being for energetic companies. For the first, we are offering:

  • the audit of energetic situation: to let us see which the way of energy saving comes to be the best;
  • the measures of detriment the energy: heat insulation and lowering of the buildings at the required points;
  • the measures of lowering the energetic charges: diodes, LED lighting;

Secondly we are initiating the gradation on replacing the traditional lighting on the renewable lighting sources:

  • Sun equipment (Sun collector, PV Sun panels);
  • Wind equipment (wind generators);
  • Ground pumps (geothermal systems).

In general, the measures “turnkey” executed by our company can decrease the charging of energy consumption for 90% in the apartments, and for 50% in the manufacturing spaces.



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